The Animal That I Am

Andee Scarantino
1 min readDec 3, 2021

I don’t have much to say about it.

I live in my upper chakras most of the time.

I know there’s nothing for me to do here, so why am I about? If there’s no reason for my purpose, I should be allowed to simply wake, run, meditate, eat, and repeat my cycle.

I’d get married but then I’d have to fuck my husband.

So I’d rather masturbate to those videos of that woman who gives aggressive cum denial handjobs.

If you fall in love with me, I’ll swat you like a fly. Meanwhile, he’s got me pancaked to…



Andee Scarantino

I’m an unconventional thinker with quick wit. Coach. Sociologist. Mindset shift guru. Creator of and the Get The F*ck Off Podcast